Link to our brochure (made by our HI-ASM Student Chapter)


8:30 (HST)/ 11:30 (PST): Brucellosis - Dr. Araj via Zoom, 1.0 PACE credit

9:30 (HST)/ 12:30 (PST): UPDATE (change in topic/speaker): Clinical Microbiology Topics - Barbara L. Haller, MD, PhD 1.0 PACE credit (pending)

10:30 (HST)/ 1:30 (PST): Break

11:00 (HST)/ 2:00 (PST): Science Communication - Dr. Dennis Mangan via Zoom

11:15 (HST)/ 2:15 (PST): Student Oral Presentations via Zoom**

1:00 (HST)/ 4:00 (PST): Student Posters (on this website)

2:00 (HST)/ 5:00 (PST): HiASM Business Meeting via Zoom

**ALL events will be conducted in the same Zoom meeting link EXCEPT the MS/Undergraduate Student Oral Presentations and HI-ASM Business Meeting

  • ASM Speakers

    “Brucellosis and Challenges in Diagnosis”
    George F. Araj, PhD
    8:30 am (HST)/11:30 am (PST)

    “Clinical Microbiology Topics”
    Barbara L. Haller, MD, PhD
    9:30 am (HST)/12:30 pm (PST)

    “Science Communication”
    Dennis Mangan, PhD
    11:00 am (HST)/ 2:00 pm (PST)

  • Student Oral Presentations

    Undergraduate, MA/MSc, PhD student presentations.
    11:15 am (HST)/ 2:15 pm (PST)

    Links to each presentation below.

  • Student Poster Presentations

    1:00 pm (HST)/ 4:00 pm (PST)

    Poster presentations on our websites with a live chat during the event to interact with the presenter. Click the button below to access a list of all student posters and their individual pages.