2022 Peggy Cotter Awardee Alanna Tseng, PhD

Alanna Tseng

Congratulations to Alanna Tseng, the awardee for the Peggy Cotter Travel Award!

Alanna is a Ph.D. at the Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology & Pharmacology department at the John A. Burns School of Medicine. She is mentoring seven graduate and undergraduate students on various SARS-CoV-2 research projects. She has been involved in HI-ASM since 2013 and even served as the student chapter President in 2016 and Secretary from 2013-2015.

As a student, Alanna’s research has been recognized by HI-ASM:

  • 2018: 2nd place - PhD Poster Presentation

  • 2016: 2nd place - MS Oral Presentation

  • 2014: 1st place - MS Oral Presentation

  • 2013: 3rd place - MS Poster Presentation

We’re very excited to hear what she will experience at the 2022 ASM Microbe this summer!


ASM Microbe 2022


History of the HI-ASM